Friday, September 13, 2013

Growth Hormone Part 2: Metabolics

As he lies there, his body starts making crazy noises and is thrashing about. After about two minutes of involuntarily moving around, it goes still. A few seconds pass before the sounds of stretching and popping are heard. With his pants down to his knees his legs don’t have to worry about tearing through any fabric. His quads and hams explode in size stretching and pulling their way outwards. His cock and balls swell bigger and bigger almost shedding a layer of skin in the process.

The shoes he is wearing are destroyed within seconds as his feet grow to twice their size and his calves and ankles destroy his pants and underwear that were sitting there. His cock stands up and blasts a huge jet of cum into the air as it falls and coats his body. His arms begin growing next as his forearms stretch and pull their way outward growing new branches of vessels.

His biceps reach violently as they nearly come busting through the skin before his body catches up and his skin stretches in time. The small ball that was inside them before has grown into huge softballs. His lab coat begins shredding under the extreme circumstances as his shoulders and traps make quick work of it.

His abs begin stretching and filling up the entire space on his stomach as his pecs blow up into giant boulders. His nipples stretch making his cock blast another jet of cum into the air. Now it moves into his head and back where his neck widens and pushes his body out further. The hair on his head falls out as his skull tightens and grows at the same time.

His soft face is now firm and masculine with dimples and a square jawline. His delts stretch wider and wider as his lats explode in size. The muscles in his entire back begin pushing him off the ground as his glutes swell up and grow denser than before.

The whole growth sequence takes about ten minutes and with each area of his body new life. His internal organs renew themselves and remove whatever dead or diseased tissue was on them. His cock shoots one more massive jet into the air before he starts breathing again and coughing. His eyes open and reveal a new eye color as well. His previous brown eyes are now a dark blue. He yells once he becomes aware of being alive and realizes that he needs to go take a shit.

After doing so, he gets up and looks in the toilet before he flushes and sees that his body has disposed of whatever was dead inside him. He quickly flushes and looks into a mirror and sees what has happened. He grabs his face and feels its new texture and firmness.

‘What the heck….’ Realizes he has a new voice, ‘holy crap I don’t sound like me, but I am still me…..hmmm interesting. The serum obviously worked my gawd I will never have to workout again.’

Feels his enormous chest and tweaks his nipples. ‘Oh my gawd that feels incredible.’ He feels his cock react as it spills pre on the floor. ‘Interesting, my nipples are so sensitive that my cock automatically responds.’

Smiles at himself and realizes that he is attracted to the guy in the mirror. ‘Wow I am really hot now…..wait something is different here…..Amber…..oh gawd I have no feelings for her anymore.’

He turns to stare at his huge glutes and legs as he makes several bodybuilding poses that he learned from Skylar. He laughs a few times and starts to feel his entire body.

‘Well old Brian is gone obviously so I have to come up with some explanation for this. Hmmm…..well technically he is dead…..I remember everything in my life which is remarkable. I don’t love Amber anymore though, wow Skylar really did change me.’

‘What if the serum picked up some of his DNA and plugged it into me…..fascinating. I will have to talk to him about this I suppose.’

Hennessy cleans up the mess his body made and finds a towel to put around his waist. He goes to call Albert back and realizes his voice is different so he has to come up with a story. Gibbons picks up the phone and answers.

‘Brian? Are you alright?’

‘Brian is quite sick actually, this is his primary donor, Mason Ducati. I just happened to walk in when Brian collapsed and needed to go to the hospital.’

‘Ohh shit, I told him not to do those experiments on himself. I would go see him, but I am in the middle of a conference. Mason, he has never mentioned you before, but I wouldn’t be surprised if he had another donor since Skylar has fucked him up so well. Let me know his status okay, goodbye.’

Hennessy smiles as he hangs up. ‘I need to get some new clothes and show Skylar what he has done to me.’ After retrieving an outfit Skylar left in the lab closet, Brian leaves to return to Hamilton Tower.

*Level two at FutureTech Research*

David Banner and Henry Holstein watch a report on the laptop about another award Albert Gibbons is receiving for his breakthrough in medicine.

‘I sometimes wonder if that man ever really developed that fucking serum. I’m sure that Brian is behind it, come to think of it I haven’t seen him in weeks. How is the serum coming anyway Henry?’

*sighs* ‘It is missing something I swear doctor. I’m not completely sure what is missing from it really. We have done countless tests on these freaking mice a million times and they just keep getting more violent. I mean how many have we went through in the last few weeks? A hundred? Five hundred? It just doesn’t make sense as to why they keep killing each other.’

‘Well I trust you with this man, I have to go to a meeting myself with the board to try and get more funding for this. I will talk to you soon.’ Banner walks out of the lab area and goes into the elevator. He gets out of the elevator and walks down the ground floor corridor into one of the board rooms as his wife, Bethany Rose, walks into the elevator. She goes to level two and gets out and sees that Henry is the only one there.

‘Where is he at? He doesn’t answer his fucking phone anymore and I want to know why. We have things to talk about and the damn man doesn’t pay attention. If he wasn’t so engrossed in this damn serum he is working on, he would know that I am in charge here.’

‘Uhh well this serum you are talking about is very important to him Beth. He can’t do it alone you know? Of course I know you think I am a peon so nothing new here.’

Beth puts her hands on her hips. ‘Well at least you know your position here dumbass. You might know a little something about science, but I can get rid of you anytime I want. YOU GOT THAT?’

‘Sure, I am aware of that, but you won’t do it because you know David can’t do it without me because he trusts me with his life.’

Beth walks over to where Henry is working and picks up a vial and a syringe. ‘Okay genius, how about you try out your little serum on yourself then. I have been pouring money into this fucking program for several months now. Time to suck it up and test it.’

‘Are you freaking kidding me Beth? This stuff causes violent reactions, we can’t test it on humans yet.’

‘Bullshit Holstein.’ Fills syringe with serum and plunges it into Henry’s neck and squeezes serum into him.
He yells as the syringe falls to the ground and grabs his neck. ‘You stupid freaking bitch, you will regret ever doing that to me.’

She laughs hysterically seeing Henry sweating profusely and thrashing about. ‘Well obviously you have done something or you wouldn’t be acting like that.’

Henry sits down as the sweat pours down his body soaking his undershirt and lab coat. He waits for some kind of change to happen, but seemingly it doesn’t happen. Beth gets a disgusted look on her face after a couple of minutes and starts pacing the floor.

‘What the fuck is this? This is such bullshit……I am terminating this program and you are going to be fired loser. DO YOU HEAR ME? You can go crawl to some stooge on level one and tell him why you were fired because he won’t listen to you. I control the money and there isn’t anything you can do about it.’

‘And what about David, Beth? Are you going to just take this away from him?’

‘I don’t care what he thinks, he doesn’t even talk to me anymore. I mean it retard, this is it.’

Henry grabs another vial and a syringe and fills it up quickly as she turns the other way. He gets up and seems a bit more confident than before. His chest heaves as he slowly moves up to where she is and grabs her. She tries to scream but he covers her mouth and plunges the syringe into her neck. After squeezing the serum inside her, he pulls it out and throws the syringe across the room.

He quickly grabs the rest of the vials and rushes towards a safe room before turning around and sees her convulsing where she stands. He runs inside and shuts the door before sealing it. She begins to scream as she falls over in agony.


She passes out as it appears she is unconscious now. Henry views the lab from the room and waits for her to react. He puts the vials down on a table and hunts for a case to put them in. His sweating has stopped which makes him wonder why he hasn’t reacted to the serum yet or at all. He checks his entire body over just to see if anything has changed.

One thing he does notice is the fact that he doesn’t feel angry or violent towards anything or anyone. He mutters to himself, ‘hmmm I need to document this in case I actually do get out of this situation alive. I just hope that David doesn’t come back anytime soon because that woman is nuts.’

At that moment, he hears a commotion on the camera. He turns to watch as Bethany starts waking up and grabbing at her chest like she is about to go crazy. She doesn’t put any words together, rather she just yells and screams random things without any rational explanation.

It appears that the serum is having the same effect on her as it does on the mice. Henry watches intently as she jumps to her feet and starts to race around the lab throwing bottles, breaking equipment, and launching papers everywhere. She doesn’t seem to know what she is doing as she does this which makes Henry wonder if she is about to go through some metamorphosis. His eyes remain transfixed on her the whole time.

After about five minutes of Bethany acting crazy, she stops moving and moans a little. Henry whispers to himself, ‘what the freaking heck? This can’t be happening right now, especially with his wife. Oh gawd we are in some deep crap.’

End of Part II

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